Go On Adventures Anywhere in Indonesia on our Cargo & Passenger Vessel Network
Cargo Adventures Destinations are operated by a fleet of Government vessels servicing the small island populations of this great Archilpalic nation.

The services of this program provide access to the Barrier Islands of the West Coast of Sumatra facing the Great Indian Ocean. While this area is a Mecca for Surfers, these Island communities, hunt and raise tropical fish speicies and are diverse and well worth visiting.

The Natuna Islands are a perfect example of a place most people have never been able to access in Indonesia. The ports visit in this island group make up an important part of Indonesia's Western Sea Border. This program is offered as a schedule program at CLICK LINK

Traveling within Kalimantan is another subject in itself, but the programs offered here allow you to enter and exit the massive island from three different directions and perspectives.

These islands have to be classed as some of the best of Eastern Indonesia, but they are also isolated from Flores or Timor and only one airport that we know of. The Alor Archipelago stretches across the Northern edge of Timor and borders the new nation of Timor Leste.

Sulawesi is visited by many people, but few have had the opportunity to experience the outer islands, where life is easy but hard at the same time.

Kei and Tanimbar represent the most extreme eastern islands of the Indonesian Archipelago. They have rich Dutch history and pure island cultures that have been isolated by very infrequent air services for many years.

This region conjures up the true adventure in everyone. Wemena and Belem are far more primitive than their PNG neighbors and are a must-see for anyone who wants to get on the edge. However, these destinations do not even come near to the state of isolation that our programs can take you up interior rivers along coastal expanses of Cendrawasih Bay and the WWII History of Biak — all are touched by this service.

This zone, again, has been seen by only a few. From Merauke, we visit upriver and along the coastal areas of an area still unknown to tourism in the true sense of the word.

The island of Halmahera is known for its bird life and thick jungles. The North Moluccas are new to the tourism theme but still full of interesting WWII history and untouched environments.

Sumba Island belongs to the Lesser Sunda Islands. Sumba has an area of about 11,000 square kilometers, so it is roughly twice the size of Bali. With approximately 715,000 inhabitants (2017), Sumba has only about one-sixth of the population of Bali. Although Sumba is less than 100 kilometers from the southern coast of Sumbawa and Flores — and still in visibility range — it is quite different.
Go On Adventures Anywhere in Indonesia aboard on Public Cargo & Passenger Network

This region conjures up the true adventure in everyone. Wamena and Belem are far more primitive than their PNG neighbors and are a must-see for anyone who wants to get on the edge. However, these destinations do not even come near to the state of isolation that our programs can take you up interior rivers along coastal expanses of Cendrawasih Bay and the WWII History of Biak — all are touched by this service.

Sumba Island belongs to the Lesser Sunda Islands. Sumba has an area of about 11,000 square kilometers, so it is roughly twice the size of Bali. With approximately 715,000 inhabitants (2017), Sumba has only about one-sixth of the population of Bali. Although Sumba is less than 100 kilometers from the southern coast of Sumbawa and Flores — and still in visibility range — it is quite different.
How the Pioneer Adventurer works?
- Some Routes have turn around points which should be considered ENDS
- Some Routes are schedules as full circles
- Some Routes are rather complicated
Booking Procedures
Once you have reviewed the numerous programs available here a simple email to [email protected] will open a file for you in our system. With this file opened you can answer any questions you might have about your options or destination for our Indonesian island cruises. Please note that specific departure dates are not able to be provided until approximately 14 days prior to the actual date. In addition even within this time frame departures can be delayed. Maximum Flexibility is important in the program.
Once your plan is clear, we assume that should happen 3-6 months in advance, a booking confirmation payment will need to be made (last minute bookings can be dealt with but planning is key to adventure travel). This one time cost of 100 EURO can be made by wire transfer to our Jakarta bank to process. An invoice will be provided to you with specific payment instructions.
Once this Booking Confirmation has been received you will be provided with a hand phone contact at the departure point of the vessel for your Indonesia cruise trip. You are expected to make contact with this departure monitor 48 hours prior to the departure and payment is expected in IDR prior to boarding the vessel. Failure to board will result in loss of your booking fee. But rescheduling can be arranged. Just keep in mind these schedules are offered every 14-21 days, so if you miss the boat your wait for the next one might be a little long!
For more information about our backpacker and island cruises in Indonesia, please email us to [email protected] or visit Contact Us page.